Some work related to my research ...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Making your own Swarm Robot ... where to start.

Many labs in big universities make their own robots. For instance, S-bot (Swarm-bot) is being developed and maintained by LIS at EPFL. Here I would list  few commercial companies which provide you cheaper ready-to-use components to build your own robots :

1. Lego Mindstorm Nxt 2.0. The third party C interface could be obtained easily. Mindstorm Nxt 2.0 provides advanced capabilities like bluetooth or wireless communication, color detection.

2. Robot Designer by Japan Robotech Ltd. One of the good thing about this product is that they provide an integrated development environment for writting codes in C which can transferred on to robot by serial port. So, complicated algorithms can be implemented on it.However, it can not support more than 5 sensor inputs.

With Arduino boards, the capabilities of your robot could be increased to a great extent.For instance, it can support nearly 50 sensors ( I need to check this one, though!)

With time, I would try to update this information ....

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