Some work related to my research ...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Robot Versus Machine

People keep asking me this question all the time. Let me ask it here myself "What is the difference between a robot and a machine?"

At least we all know that a robot is definitely a machine but what is it that differentiates it from other machines?

I am sure there will be many answers to this questions and many of them would be better than the answer that I am going to give here. But in my opinion, a robot is a machine that exhibits certain aspect of sentient behaviour. Let me explain this.  When I say "sentient behaviour", I include the ability to make mistakes as well. So repeatability is not necessarily an important attribute of a robot. So while calculator is a machine it does not manifest any aspect of human behaviour, apart from the ability to compute with higher accuracy. 

Well it is very difficult to draw a very sharp line between a robot and a machine. But it is the behaviour which defines whether a machine is a robot or not. For instance, a camera in itself is a machine but a camera with a built-in face recognition algorithm may be considered as a robot. While machines are the extension of human faculties, robots exhibit behaviours.

To summarize, a machine may be called a robot if it has the following important attributes:
  1. Autonomy: Ability to take decisions without human interference. 
  2. Adaptibility: Ability to adapt to changes in the environment. 
  3. Learning: It should be able to learn on its own and hence its behaviour should improve over time. 
  4. Interact: Interact with other beings and with the environment. 
 These abilities may be available with a varying degree in different machines. In this aspect, we may safely say that a calculator is a simple machine and so is a motor cycle. However, a google car with autonomous navigation ability is a  robot and so is the roomba vacuum cleaner which can the clean the house on its own.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Stageros + roscpp + controlling robot through a C++ program

The objective is to control a simulated robot within the stage environment. This will help us in writing our own control algorithms for controlling the simulated robot. Please follow the steps given below:
#1 Follow the instructions on this page. This package demonstrates how one can run a stage simulation through stageros. Basically tells you to download the package stage_controllers.tar.gz and compile and build the package within a folder where ROS can find it.
$ rosmake stage_controllers
$ rospack find stage_controllers
$ rosrun stage stageros `rospack find stage_controllers`/world/
You should be able to see a robot moving around in a stage environment as shown in the picture.
#2 Now we want to stop this robot moving and write a C++ program to provide the necessary motion command.  In order to achieve this, open the file ‘/world/’ inside the stage_controllers folder and comment out the line that contains the word “wander” as shown below:
  # can refer to the robot by this name
  name "roomba"
  pose [ -8 6 0 0 ]
#ctrl "wander"
If you now execute the above commands you will see a stationary robot within the stage environment. Now we need to write a C++ program to get the robot moving again.
#3 Create a file ‘robctrl.cpp’ inside ‘stage_controllers/src/’ folder that contains the following piece of code:

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "RobCtrl");
  ros::NodeHandle n;
  ros::Publisher cmd_pub = n.advertise("cmd_vel",1);
  geometry_msgs::Twist cmd_msg;
  ros::Rate cycle(10.0);
  //Specify the velocity
  cmd_msg.linear.x = 0.1;
  cmd_msg.linear.y = 0;
  cmd_msg.linear.z = 0;
  cmd_msg.angular.x = 0;
  cmd_msg.angular.y = 0;
  cmd_msg.angular.z = 0.2;
  return 0;

#4 Edit the stage_controllers/manifest.xml to reflect dependency on stage package.

#5 Add the following line to the end of the ‘CMakeLists.txt’ file
rosbuild_add_executable(stage_controllers src/robctrl.cpp)
#6 Build
$ rosmake stage_controllers stage_controllers
# Execute
$ roscore (on one window)
$ rosrun stage stageros `rospack find stage_controllers`/world/ (on another window)
$ rosrun stage_controllers stage_controllers
You should see the robot rotating in a circle within the stage environment.
This program publishes the velocity values to the topic ‘/cmd_vel’. To know about the available topics where the data could be published, use ‘rostopic’ and ‘rxgraph’ command.
$ rostopic list -v
Published topics:
 * /base_scan [sensor_msgs/LaserScan] 1 publisher
 * /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log] 2 publishers
 * /tf [tf/tfMessage] 1 publisher
 * /clock [rosgraph_msgs/Clock] 1 publisher
 * /odom [nav_msgs/Odometry] 1 publisher
 * /rosout_agg [rosgraph_msgs/Log] 1 publisher
 * /cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist] 1 publisher
 * /base_pose_ground_truth [nav_msgs/Odometry] 1 publisher
Subscribed topics:
 * /clock [rosgraph_msgs/Clock] 2 subscribers
 * /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log] 1 subscriber
 * /cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist] 1 subscriber
$ rxgraph

ROSCPP + OpenCV Program

Basically, here I am demonstrating how you can start writing your own program with ROS.
Create ROS package. Follow the tutorial link here. I am assuming that ros_workspace folder is added into ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
$ cd ~/ros_workspace
$ roscreate-pkg tbsimctrl std_msgs roscpp opencv2 sensor_msgs cv_bridge image_transport
You may not all the dependencies mentioned above.
$ cd tbsimctrl
$ rospack profile
$ rospack find tbsimctrl
Now create a file “camera_test.cpp” under src folder. The file contains the following piece of code:

#include    //may not be needed
#include  //may not be needed
#include  //may not be needed
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "captureimg");
  ros::NodeHandle n;

  CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(-1);
  cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320);
  cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240);
  IplImage *img = 0;
  img = cvQueryFrame(capture);
  int frameH = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
  int frameW = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
  int fps = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
  cout << frameW << “\t” << frameH << “\t” << fps << endl;
  cvNamedWindow("Left", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
  for(int n = 1; n= 30; n++)
        img = cvQueryFrame(capture);
        cvShowImage("Left", img);  //show frames while capturing
        int c = cvWaitKey(20);               // wait 20 ms
        if(c == 27)
  cvDestroyWindow( "Left" );
  return 0;

The above program captures video from a webcam. Save the file and insert the following statement inside the CMakeLists.txt file inside the tbsimctrl package folder. 
rosbuild_add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} src/camera_test.cpp)
Now compile and build the package using rosmake
$ cmake .
$ rosmake
Make sure that the package is built with 0 failures. Once it is done, you can test the code as follows:
$ rosrun tbsimctrl tbsimctrl
You should be able to see the video from your webcam.