Some work related to my research ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ubuntu on Beagleboard XM

Nearly after a year of hiatus, I started my work on robotics once again. I just finished the installation of Ubuntu 10.10 build on Beagleboard XM board. I will upload an image soon to make you believe that I really did it ;-)

I followed the instructions available at this wikipedia site and it worked for me without any hiccups. I collected few information before deciding to go for Ubuntu for Beagleboard. Even though it has a slow graphics compared to Angstrom or Android, Ubuntu is supported by a large repository of packages which makes life easier while installing softwares like opencv.  My next task is to install OpenCV on it.

When you first boot from the SD-Card image, you get a login prompt on the terminal. Use following login information:

login: ubuntu
password: temppwd

After you finish installing the desktop environment (xfce), it again presents you with a login prompt (GUI screen). This time click on the Demo User and type "temppwd" as the password.

One more thing: My ethernet lan port is detected as usb1 rather than eth0. In order to configure your network do the following:

$ sudo dhclient usb1

I think you need to execute this command every time you restart the system.


Unknown said...

Hi Swagat,

I hope your network needs proxy configuration for the beagle board. How did you configure. I have installed ubuntu 11.04 on beagle board. but no gui only core server version. I have connected ethernet cable. Every thing is fine but could not able to give proper proxy inputs.


Unknown said...

Hi Swagat,

i made it work. I was trying by giving domain\username.

I have removed the domain name and tried. it worked. Have you installed any thing on top of ubuntu.
